Monday, April 14, 2008

Getting your institution supported

More and more people have been asking us how to get their institution supported, so we thought we'd explain a bit more.

As you know, Pubget makes it easy for users to retrieve and navigate full-text articles, most commonly in PDF form. Where access to these articles is free, Pubget displays PDFs for free. But where access is restricted by subscription, Pubget displays only abstracts; to display the full text of that material, Pubget must support the subscribing institution.

In general, support is a paid service, with the cost paid not by the end-user but by the subscribing institution. The cost depends on three factors: (1) the size of your institution's subscription holdings, (2) the setup of its bioinformatics infrastructure, and (3) the suite of features your institution is looking for.

Because Pubget's mission is to make search ever quicker, easier, and more powerful, we are also interested in novel pilot projects; these may modify the above paid arrangements.

Finally, we're mindful of the unique requirements of supporting commercial institutions, like pharmaceutical companies, with enterprise-level solutions, and also of supporting institutions in Europe, the Far East, South Asia, and elsewhere (we have experience setting up enterprise-level solutions on four continents).

We've put this info up on the site here (you can also get to it by clicking "Contact" at the top of the page). To find out more, if you're a librarian, administrator, or other executive, please go there and take a moment to tell us a bit about yourself, your institution and its holdings, and what you're looking for, and we'll get back to you soon with more details about how to get Pubget supported at your institution. And thanks again for your interest!

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